Channel - Live-Recordings Track A
14.03.2022 23:23:06
Channel Videos
A01-P1 Bouchet
Short research paper - Evaluating Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Questions Organization
Francois Bouchet
25.03.2020 11:39:11
A01-P2 Deeva
Full research paper - Predicting Student Success in a Blended Learning Environment
Galina Deeva
25.03.2020 11:48:20
A01-P3 Choffin
Invited paper - DAS3H: Modeling Student Learning and Forgetting for Optimally Scheduling Distributed Practice of Skills
Benoit Choffin
25.03.2020 11:56:19
A02-P1 Mavrikis
Full research paper - Inspiration Cards Workshops with Teachers in Early Co-Design Stages of Learning Analytics
Manolis Mavrikis
25.03.2020 14:30:47
A02-P2 Tammets
Practitioner report - Why clicks are not enough: designing a Learning Analytics service for the Estonian Open Educational Resources ecosystem
Kairit Tammets
25.03.2020 14:40:16
A02-P3 Agrawal
Short research paper - Decoding the Performance in an Out-of-Context Problem during Blocked Practice
Sweety Agrawal
25.03.2020 14:46:06
A03-P1 Michos
Short research paper - Involving teachers in learning analytics design: Lessons learned from two case studies
Konstantinos Michos
25.03.2020 15:49:46
A03-P3 Farrow
Short research paper - Dialogue attributes that inform depth and quality of participation in student discussion forums
Elaine Farrow
25.03.2020 15:58:38
A04-P2 Sarmiento
Practitioner report - Engaging Students as Co-Designers of Learning Analytics
Juan Pablo Sarmiento
25.03.2020 19:22:56
A04-P3 Kim
Full research paper - An Exploratory Approach to Measuring Collaborative Engagement in Child Robot Interaction
Yanghee Kim
25.03.2020 18:07:26
A05-P1 Peri
Short research paper - Towards Understanding the Lifespan and Spread of Ideas: Epidemiological Modeling of Participation on Twitter
Sai Santosh Sasank Peri
25.03.2020 20:15:06
A05-P2 Chen
Short research paper - Socio-Temporal Dynamics in Peer Interaction Events
Bodong Chen
25.03.2020 20:27:06
A05-P3 Stewart
Full research paper - Focused or Stuck Together: Multimodal Patterns Reveal Triads’ Performance in Collaborative Problem Solving
Angela Stewart
25.03.2020 20:42:35
A05-P4 Swiecki
Full research paper - iSENS: An Integrated Approach to Combining Epistemic and Social Network Analyses
Zachari Swiecki
25.03.2020 20:55:48
A06-P1 Khosravi
Short research paper - Automated Insightful Drill-Down Recommendations for Learning Analytics Dashboards
Hassan Khosravi
26.03.2020 12:26:26
A06-P2 Khosravi
Shrot research paper - Fostering and Supporting Empirical Research on Evaluative Judgement via a Crowdsourced Adaptive Learning System
Hassan Khosravi
26.03.2020 11:52:30
A06-P3- McLay
Practitioner report - Implementing an attrition model at scale
David McLay
26.03.2020 11:58:29
A07-P1 Lecailliez
Short research paper - Smart Dictionary for E-book Reading Analytics
Louis Lecailliez
26.03.2020 12:34:32
A07-P2 Hamada
Practitioner report - For Evidence-Based Class Design with Learning Analytics: A Proposal of Preliminary Practice Flow Model in High School
Satomi Hamada
26.03.2020 12:41:28
A07-P3 Majumdar
Short research paper - Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence Analysis of Reading Logs
Rwitajit Majumdar
26.03.2020 12:47:27
A08-P1 Faucon
Full research paper - A Bayesian Model of Individual Differences and Flexibility in Inductive Reasoning for Categorization of Examples
Louis Faucon
26.03.2020 13:40:08
A08-P3 Benedetto
Full research paper - R2DE: a NLP approach to estimating IRT parameters of newly generated questions
Luca Benedetto
26.03.2020 13:47:30
A09-P1 Ahmad Uzir
Full research paper - Analytics of Time Management and Learning Strategies for Effective Online Learning in Blended Environments
Nora'Ayu Ahmad Uzir
26.03.2020 16:22:01
A09-P2 Saint
Full research paper - Combining Analytic Methods to Unlock Sequential and Temporal Patterns of Self-Regulated Learning
John Saint
26.03.2020 16:35:12
A09-P3 Valle Torre
Full research paper - edX Log Data Analysis Made Easy
Manuel Valle Torre
26.03.2020 16:52:35
A10-P1 Pardos
Full research paper - Designing for Serendipity in a Course Recommendation System
Zach Pardos
26.03.2020 17:51:46
A10-P2 Saarinen
Full research paper - Applying Prerequisite Structure Inference to Adaptive Testing
Sam Saarinen
26.03.2020 18:10:01
A10-P3 Yaneva
Invited paper - Predicting the Difficulty of Multiple Choice Questions in a High-stakes Medical Exam
Victoria Yaneva
26.03.2020 18:17:03
A11-P3 Johnston
Practitioner report - Building a Unified Data Platform to Support Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning
John Johnston
26.03.2020 19:39:37
A12-P1 Kitto
Full research paper - Towards Skills-based Curriculum Analytics: Can we automate the recognition of prior learning?
Kirsty Kitto
27.03.2020 10:03:21
A12-P2 Pardo
Short research paper - The SEIRA approach: course embedded activities to promote academic integrity and literacies in first year Engineering
Abelardo Pardo
27.03.2020 10:19:49
A12-P3 Srivastava
Full research paper - Exploring the Usage of Thermal Imaging for Understanding Video Lecture Designs and Students' Experiences
Namrata Srivastava
27.03.2020 10:33:51
A13-P1 Abdi
Short research paper - Complementing Educational Recommender Systems with Open Learner Models
Solmaz Abdi
27.03.2020 11:57:06
A13-P3 Chen
Full research paper - Let's Shine Together! A Comparative Study between Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining
Guanliang Chen
27.03.2020 12:04:03
A14-P1 Viberg
Full research paper - Self-Regulated Learning and Learning Analytics in Online Learning Environments: A Review of Empirical Research
Olga Viberg
27.03.2020 14:29:13
A14-P2 Siddle & Foster
Practitioner report - Considerations for amending a whole-institution early-alert system
Rebecca Siddle & Ed Foster
27.03.2020 14:39:33
A14-P3 Erickson
Full research paper - The Automated Grading of Student Open Responses in Mathematics
John Erickson
27.03.2020 14:48:17
A15-P3 Eagan
Full research paper - Testing the reliability of inter-rater reliability
Brendan Eagan
27.03.2020 18:05:45
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