Session 3 - Panel II - The Role of Women in Maintaining and Reproducing Repressive Gender Orders
This panel will examine the question of why and how women contribute (actively and/or passively) to the maintenance and reproduction of gender orders. Questions such as these become particularly urgent in periods of radical social, political, and economic change, for example in times of war, displacement, or economic crisis when the kind and volume of resources available to women and men change significantly.
Prof. Dr. Anna C. Korteweg, University of Toronto
Representations of Mothers in Media Reporting on Honour Killing: Racialization and the Reinforcement of the Dominant Gender Order.
Dr. Alice Szczepanikova, Goethe University, Frankfurt
When Gender Order Comes under Strain: Chechen Refugee Women in Europe.
Prof. Dr. Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller, Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre la Défense
Relying on Gender Order and Challenging it from Within.
Chair: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Scheiwe, University of Hildesheim
Discussant: Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess, University of Göttingen
Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main
19.01.2012 14:50:00
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