Session 5 - Panel IV - Change and Continuity in Intra-family Relations in the Migration Process: Transnational Motherhood and the Families Left Behind
This panel investigates the ways in which migration changes relations between the genders and generations. What care arrangements emerge in the migratory contexts? How are public discourses about motherhood at a distance and "abandoned orphans" in the sending countries constructed? Prof. Dr. Oded Stark, Universities of Bonn, Klagenfurt, Vienna, and Warsaw Gender differentiation in care giving within the family, and migration outcomes: a hypothesis Prof. Dr. Helma Lutz & Dr. des. Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck, Goethe University, Frankfurt The Care Curtain of Europe. The Global Care Chain Concept from a European Perspective. Dr. Bartlomiej Walczak, University of Warsaw Parental Roles in the Transnational Family: Transformation or Hibernation? Chair: Prof. Dr. Susanne Opfermann, Cornelia Goethe Centre Discussant: Prof. Dr. Ursula Apitzsch, Cornelia Goethe Centre
Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main
20.01.2012 10:00:00

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