The 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale included an installation that reconstructs key objects used in the forensic analysis of the architecture of Auschwitz. These objects had been used as evidence in the notorious libel case Irving vs. Lipstadt and Penguin Books, tried in London (2000), in which University of Waterloo professor Robert Jan van Pelt demonstrated that Auschwitz was purposefully designed as a death camp. Designed by a team of Waterloo architecture professors and students, this installation brings to life the coldly calculated architectural decisions that culminated in a factory of death. Prof. Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt is an architectural historian at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and a holocaust scholar. The exhibition »The Evidence Room« firstly shown at the architectural Biennale 2016 in Venice was a result of his ground-breaking research on the death factory Auschwitz and its use as evidence in a trial. This work became one of the sources for a new and emerging discipline – architectural forensics – encompassing architecture, technology, history, law and human rights.